Many thanks for your recent e-mail searching for information on Hylotelephium. This generic name was erected some years ago, in 1977 to be precise, by H. Ohba, with Sedum telephium as the type.
Category: Articles Revived
Notocactus or Parodia?
I am probably opening a can of worms here. As Notos are my favourite genus, I’ll try not to get emotional! Up until fairly recently, the accepted classification of Notocactus was that of Buxbaum.
Please Help Me Save My Grandma’s Jade
Grandma died (rest her soul) and left this huge Jade behind with no instructions how to look after it. It was very healthy but now, after a year in my care, the plant looks very sick. There are brown spots on the leaves, the stems are falling over and the plant has never flowered.
Notes on Growing Welwitschia mirabilis (Hook. E) From Seed
By Ed Perfect, Kitchener, Ontario Featured image: AI-generated text-to-image of Welwitschia mirabilis in flower. Welwitschia mirabilis is a unique, tap-rooted plant from the Namib desert in the south-west of Africa. Because of its rarity and tap-rooted (non-clustering) nature, the only practical method of propagation is by seed. I have about ten years experience
Notocactus Uebelmannianus
Notocactus uebelmannianus flowers at an early age. In fact it flowered the first year and quickly outgrew the small two inch pot it came in. I grow most of my cacti in a mixture of John Innes compost mixed with coarse grit and perlite in the ratio of one part grit, one part Perlite to three parts John Innes.
Opuntia Pachypus
Those who often dismiss opuntias as nothing but prickly, uninteresting plants, might be overlooking some very interesting species not the least of which is Opuntia pachypus. This cactus was first described by Karl Schumann in 1904.
Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)
There are many hybrids of the Christmas Cactus. And it is, by the way, really a cactus. Plants and flowers can vary in shape and color. Flowers may be white or almost any shade of pink or red.
A Celebration Of Succulents By Amateur Hobbyists On CD-ROM
50 pages of articles with photos PLUS 1750 color photographs of cacti, other succulents, caudiciforms & collectibles. 215+ genera, 1100+ species, subspecific taxa & hybrids. BIG selection of Caudiciforms & Other Collectibles: 75+ genera, 300+ species and around 250 photos of 25 genera of cold hardy species, hybrids and varieties including many plants never before published.
Cacti and Succulents from Seeds Booklet Produced by The Amateurs’ Digest
Anderson’s taxonomy is apparently controversial. Bill Hendricks of Klyn Nurseries was outraged by some of the changes made, and criticized Marina for following Anderson’s new approach.
Commiphora humbertii by Marina Welham
The Afrikaans common name “kanniedood” (literally “cannot die”) refers to the exceptional ability of all commiphoras to retain their water content and withstand drought for long periods. To my knowledge, very little is written in C&S; literature or on the internet on the succulent commiphoras.
Christmas Cactus: Horrors … The Flowers Fell off My New Plant
Plants have been flowering away for several weeks in shops and garden centers. You bought one, attracted by the lovely flowers, and soon after you got it home, all the buds and/or flowers fell off. You may wonder why.
To Water or not to Water — That is Always the Question and … Major Requirements for Succulent Plants
If anyone has ever told you that cacti and succulents don’t ever need much water, be assured that they are dead wrong. It is a widely believed myth that cacti and succulents need very little water, if any, and that cacti in particular can go forever without it.
The New Plant
Buying a new plant is exciting. If it is healthy when you buy it, it should give you years of enjoyment. The most critical time in the life of your new plant is going to be the first few weeks in your care.
Suitability of Various pH Values for Plants
The intensity of the acid/alkali reaction of soil or compost is commonly expressed in terms of pH units. pH stands for pondus hydrogenii, the concentration of hydrogen ions.
How Dangerous are Euphorbias?
Post-mortem examination of people killed by Euphorbia latex has revealed severe inflammation of the walls of the stomach and intestine and in some cases the wall of the stomach has been perforated. The poison is called euphorbon about which little is known.
Epiphyllums … Epi Hybrids … Orchid Cactus
Epiphyllums (type Epiphyllum phyllanthus) are epiphytic cacti with flattened leaf-like stems and large white flowers that open at night. Outer petals usually have some color, usually yellow.
Jatropha Berlandieri (Seeds)
This species is occasionally known as Jatropha cathartica and not very common in collections here. It is highly prized as a neat, compact and handsome plant, bearing many small and pretty red flowers in midsummer, being very suitable for the show bench.
How to Send Succulent Plants by Mail
Cacti and succulents can safely be sent through the mail, but if you are mailing plants from one country to another, you should contact the Plant Protection Division of the Department of Agriculture for that country to find out what the guidelines are about plants you are allowed to mail and where you can mail them.
Having Trouble With Your Adeniums? Here Are Some Tips to Help
Adeniums are from Arabia through Kenya to Tanzania and also south-west Africa. They are stem succulents with thickened tuberous stems and thick branches not to mention lovely flowers. The milky sap of adeniums is VERY poisonous.
Feeding Our Succulents
Is your succulent collection a hospital of plants you play nurse to every day? Are you frequently tossing out plants that just won’t grow for you? Are you tired of seeing flowering plants in books and journals and other collections while your same plants sit there doing nothing from one season to the next?
The Rooting of Stems of Ceraria Namaquensis
Ceraria namaquensis belongs to Family Portulacaceae and has a fairly widespread habitat in South Africa and Namibia. I have had plants of this grafted on to stems of Portulacaria afra for many years.
Desert Salvage
As summer gardening work slows down for all of us, it is the busiest season of all for people who salvage desert trees. These are called ‘devegetation contractors’ who work ahead of the bulldozers to save mature ironwoods, palo verdes and mesquites from the destruction of plant habitats due to new houses being built and road construction.
Senecio Rowleyanus, Family Asteraceae (Compositae), Common name: “String-of-Pearls”
Senecio rowleyanus has small spherical leaves about 1/4 inch in diameter. These are strung on thin stems like beads of a necklace. The stems also carry adventitious roots which grow down into the soil as the stems lengthen …
Crests and Monstrose Plants Are My Passion
I have a big passion for collecting and showing crested plants and I am almost as fond of the monstrose forms. My collection has over 100 crested and monstrose plants of both cacti and the other succulents.
Photos from his Cold Hardy Cactus Collection (2)
Cold-hardy cactus: Cylindropuntia (Opuntia) viridiflora, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Plant and photo by Bill Hendricks, USA.
Semperviviums: Grandma’s Favorite Enjoys Renewed Popularity
Nearly everybody’s grandma grew Hen and Chicks in her garden. She could enjoy these reliable succulents with minimum time spent on their care. Each year the central, fleshy rosette would surround itself with little duplicate plants, hence Hen and Chicks.
These plants grow in the most inhospitable place possible, the dry coastal deserts of Peru and Chile, a desert directly on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, where rain is almost unknown.
Beginners’ Tips — Cacti & Succulents in Terrariums and Dish Gardens
The only plants that should be grown in terrariums are those which benefit from the cool, humid, shaded environment these containers create. No succulent plants, including cacti, will get any benefit from being grown under these conditions because these are not the conditions under which these plants thrive.
Family Matters
In the early 1980s, the classification of the monocot families was examined closely, and, in 1985, Dahlgren, Clifford & Yeo published The Families of the Monocotyledons. Structure, Evolution and Taxonomy (Springer-Verlag, Berlin).
In response to numerous questions about this plant, I hope the following how-to-grow information is helpful. Light Three to four hours a day of direct sunlight are essential for healthy growth and flowering.
Winter-Hardy Cactus & Succulent Beds in Zone 4
I have had a winter-hardy bed of mostly cacti for some 15 years on the south side of the front of my white sided house. It is in a protected area from the north-west winter winds due to the living room that juts out on the west side of the bed as far as the front of the bed.
Adam’s Very Hardy Needle
By Doug Rowland, UK (11 April 2001) The common name for this plant is Adam’s Needle. It is perhaps the most cultivated of all the hardy Yucca species in England. It can be seen in gardens just about everywhere you go. There are about 30 species of Yucca around. They belong to the family Agavaceae and thrive principally in North America, the genus
Orostachys Spinosus, a Succulent That Takes Cold Down to -35c (-30f)
If you are looking for a succulent that takes cold down to -35C (-30F), Orostachys, (Crassula family) are worth considering for your outdoor garden.
Dream Garden Comes True (6 April 2001)
By Steve Miles, Colorado (6 April 2001) Foreword: Some people dream of having a year-’round outdoor succulent garden. This nature lover made his dream come true … Steve Miles, Colorado I’m a life-long lover of Mother Earth and anything that roots in Her and an addict of Desert flora starting about 7 years ago … to me a source of nutrition for the soul. Photos: