Featured image above: An AI text-to-image impression of Parodia werneri, previouslyknown as Notocactus uebelmannianus. Our featured image on this post is Parodia werneri, from The Amateur’s Digest. Parodia werneri was previously known as Notocactus uebelmannianus. Plant & Photo: Bev and Kermit Bender – USA The Special Edition of 1993 is bound in a white plastic
Tag: The Amateurs’ Digest
New! Marina’s very first Caudex Booklet (No. 1 of 2) is now online!
Marina launched her specialty Caudex booklets in year six of her print publication, The Amateurs’ Digest. The Caudex booklets are addressed to collectors of mostly Caudex plants. Unlike TAD, that was made from printers’ plates, the Caudex booklets are photocopies of Caudex articles collected from issues of The Amateurs’ Digest to that date, then folded and saddle-stitched.